When you look at horses for sale, you may be looking for a horse that will be good with the kids. You might be looking for a horse that you can bring into the racing world. But some of you will be … [Read more...]
Horse Training
Tips on horse training from the ground up including correcting unwanted behaviour, information on various training techniques, how to choose a trainer, and many other topics horses require training and preparation for.
First Lessons
One of the reasons it’s so hard to write about training horses is that everyone wants a recipe. Do this, then that, then this other thing. Use such and such equipment, do so and so exercises a certain … [Read more...]
Longer Sliding Stops
A pro's advice about what it takes for a horse to perform big-time sliding stops. For this discussion I’m going to assume you already have your horse doing a decent stop at a slow lope. When you … [Read more...]
Mastering Natural Horsemanship
Most people think you control a horse by controlling its head. You put on a lead rope or a bridle and you use that to show the horse how you want him to start and stop and turn and move his feet … [Read more...]
How to Trailer a Horse
The Art of Loading a Horse onto a Trailer by: Andy Curry If there is an art to getting horses to load in a trailer, then this it. The first thing that must happen is communication between … [Read more...]
Horse Logic
by Ron Meredith Parkersburg, WV, -- Good horse training is boring to watch. It looks like nothing is happening. Many people are impressed by training methods that are nothing more than a blatant … [Read more...]