Bucking is a misunderstood horse activity. Most people look at bucking as an ornery habit, something the horse does when he’s trying to get out of work. Or when he just doesn’t feel like … [Read more...]
Horse training, horse riding, equine behavior
Round Pen Training
Round Pen Training Concepts by Adrianne Lake So what exactly is a round pen? If you're familiar with horses you have likely heard of the round pen or round corral. You may have heard it is an … [Read more...]
Your First Riding Lesson
What to Expect in Your First Riding Lesson In this article for beginning riders, you will learn about what might be expected of you during your first riding lesson and how to cope with this exciting, … [Read more...]
Overcome Your Fear of Riding a Horse
Anyone who has ridden for any length of time would be dishonest if they told you they have never felt fear. If you have any common sense at all, you should have a certain level of “healthy fear” … [Read more...]
How to Bridle and Unbridle a Horse
~ Putting on (and taking off) a Horse's Bridle ~ by Adrianne Lake Placing a bridle on a horse may look easy - and it is when you know how. But this basic task can still be unbelievably daunting … [Read more...]
How to Saddle a Horse
~ An Introduction to Saddling Up Your Horse ~ by Adrianne Lake After the grooming process is complete, it is time to saddle up. This may seem difficult if you have never done it before but with … [Read more...]
Round Pen Work
Using the Round Pen: the Great Equalizer By Jeffrey Rolo Although many horsemen and trainers extol the virtues of the round pen, many horse owners still overlook just how powerful such a pen … [Read more...]
Applying Natural Aids
by Faith Meredith, Director of Meredith Manor International Equestrian Centre Riders use a combination of influences to communicate with their horses. Within equestrian tradition we refer to … [Read more...]
Mastering Natural Horsemanship
Most people think you control a horse by controlling its head. You put on a lead rope or a bridle and you use that to show the horse how you want him to start and stop and turn and move his feet … [Read more...]
How to Trailer a Horse
The Art of Loading a Horse onto a Trailer by: Andy Curry If there is an art to getting horses to load in a trailer, then this it. The first thing that must happen is communication between … [Read more...]