Riding With Balance and Relaxation Greatly Improves Your Riding Skill by Faith Meredith Relaxation and balance are the first two skills riders must develop as they work their way up the riding … [Read more...]
Horse training, horse riding, equine behavior
Horses and Personal Space
Maintaining the integrity of personal space when working with horses is crucial for safety, trust, and bonding. It helps ensure a successful partnership with these animals. Uninvited penetration of a … [Read more...]
Equine Body Language
Horses and ponies are always "talking". They have a language unique to their species. If we can learn to understand their language it makes our job as riders, trainers and horse enthusiasts make more … [Read more...]
Become the Alpha Horse
How to Become the Alpha Horse: Training Your Horse to Obey You No doubt you've been told that you need to show your horse who is boss; that he should always look to you for instruction, rather than … [Read more...]
How to Bond with a Horse or Pony
When taking riding lessons or part-boarding a horse or pony many people ask: How can I bond with this animal? This is a good question as bonding with horses makes you and the horse feel more … [Read more...]
Keep Calm While Working with Horses
We've all had days when we come home steaming angry convinced we'd sell our horses to the next person we see. A horse might be an angel for one person and rotten for another all in the same day. … [Read more...]
Choosing a Barrel Horse
When you look at horses for sale, you may be looking for a horse that will be good with the kids. You might be looking for a horse that you can bring into the racing world. But some of you will be … [Read more...]
First Lessons
One of the reasons it’s so hard to write about training horses is that everyone wants a recipe. Do this, then that, then this other thing. Use such and such equipment, do so and so exercises a certain … [Read more...]
Longer Sliding Stops
A pro's advice about what it takes for a horse to perform big-time sliding stops. For this discussion I’m going to assume you already have your horse doing a decent stop at a slow lope. When you … [Read more...]
Basic Ground Manners
Teaching good ground manners right from the beginning will result in a horse that is a joy to own, while keeping yourself as safe as possible. Enforcing ground manners will teach your horse … [Read more...]