With a suitable quality saddle and a variety of saddle pads, you should be able to ride many horses of the same physical type with a single saddle. Such a saddle should comfortably clear a horse’s … [Read more...]
Tack and Equipment
Responsible horse ownership means learning about the appropriate tack and equipment that you will need to care for your horse or pony.
Reining and Cutting Saddles
Choosing a saddle that will help your performance. I Want To Do Reining or Cutting. What Saddle Do You Recommend? There are a lot of different brands of saddles available. Darn few of them … [Read more...]
Western Saddle Buying Tips
~ Western Saddles: Top Seven Buying Mistakes ~ by Beth Stefanie Buying the wrong western saddle is a very common occurrence in the western riding world. It's also a very expensive learning … [Read more...]