About Mustangs, Burros and The History of American Horse Breeds By Robb Fowler It is natural to believe that wild horses have "always" roamed America's Western States, but that simply is not … [Read more...]
Adopt a Horse
Thinking of buying a horse? Adopt a horse that needs a good home! Learn about horse rescue, rehabilitation and adoption agengies from around the world.
The Equine Redemption
A friend of mine was looking to buy a horse that could be a backyard horse for her and her son to ride around and be friends with. She didn't want to spend a lot of money, so I suggested we go to the … [Read more...]
How to Buy a Horse at Auction
Is it possible to buy a decent horse, at a decent price, at a public auction? Yes - providing you follow a few commonsense buying tips. Buying a Horse at Public Auction by Dale Anderson Let me … [Read more...]
Standardbred Horse Adoption
Although horse racing is a multi-billion dollar industry it is astonishing to discover that many racehorses are left with no place to go except the slaughterhouse. Thousands of Standbred horses in … [Read more...]