It was Chance Who Got Me Here
by Adrianne Lake
CHANCE is the angel who gave me my wings
The wings I need to jump high.
CHANCE is the teacher who taught me to use them with wisdom
And I will to honour him.
CHANCE is the the one by my side when I fly full tilt
Fly into glory, fly into the future, fly past my aspirations.
CHANCE showed me the true meaning of “friend”,
Not one who is there half the time – Not one who is there for show.
CHANCE is ageless and will watch me bound into time
With CHANCE by my side in SPIRIT.
CHANCE will see from the clouds when I jump higher than ever before
CHANCE will be with me when I fly by myself.
CHANCE will be with me in SPIRIT when I win our prize,
And help chances all around this spectacular globe.
CHANCE brought me my biggest dream
The one I always asked Santa for
And when CHANCE came he whispered with his large liquid eyes, “I’m here.”
CHANCE taught me to be myself, the beautiful person I am.
CHANCE taught me beauty and love
By being beauty and love incarnate.
CHANCE was with me when I touched the moon
CHANCE took care of me over obstacles I couldn’t do on my own.
CHANCE showed me the SPIRIT of the beloved horse
With thundering hooves and flagged tail,
Or a lowered head, horse hugs and kisses
Gentlemen he was when I needed him.
CHANCE is and always will be in my dreams
CHANCE led me down my path
Picking the footing for me
Holding my hand, showing the possibilities
Leaping over them with me, racing toward the future,
For it was CHANCE who got me here
And CHANCE transcends infinity.
Adrianne Lake Feb. 20, 1998
Copyright © 2006